Sunday, January 29, 2012

curioser and curioser

I've seen a few selections of Alice in Wonderland illustrations recently (happy birthday to Lewis Carroll. As of Friday he is 180 years old, though not, unfortunately, alive and kicking), and I'm sure to please all four of my readers with the following sampler:

Arthur Rackham, 1907:

Marjorie Torrey, 1955:

m. cowers with shame at having been so far unaware of Salvador Dali's depictions of Alice:

Ryan De Haas, 2005:

and Maggie Taylor, 2008:

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Alexander McQueen, Menswear Fall 2012

This time Sarah Burton got her inspiration from a collection of 19th century Vanity Fair portraits whose protagonists ranged from street urchins to bankers.