Saturday, December 24, 2011

Friday, December 16, 2011

expensive wishlist items

We're done playing the "if you exist" game with santa, of course, but there's something about dolls that automatically places them in the gift category for me. That "add to cart" button is a little disturbing. Anyway... these darlings are by Italian doll manufacturer Monte Dragone. There's more of them on the official website, where the pictures are from.

Then again, the right and ability to use the "add to cart" button is a privilege of autonomy. The disenchanted world is there to be enjoyed. How symptomatic that I forget, again, that being an adult is supposed to be an advantage, not a handicap.

Traumas aside, there's a bit of an issue with those three figure prices. I might be persuaded to settle for a Doll Collector magazine, which is only six dollars. I'm pretty good at living vicariously anyway.

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Junya Watanabe. Fall 2011

Menswear collections are usually the most endearing. I want to live in those clothes. Is it the lack of intimidating high heels? I love fantasy and escapism in fashion, but how good it is to see a wholesome, practical, sometimes humorous collection like this one.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Menswear. Yamamoto Fall 2011

Noblesse trickles down as the suit is refashioned to feel as cozy as as a pair of sweats.